- KenSyn::N2OMeta-analysis dataset to estimate the response of N2O emissions to the applied N fertilizer rate.
- KenSyn::citrusMeta-analysis dataset: estimation the effectiveness of a fungicidal treatment to control Phyllosticta citricarpa, a citrus fungus.
- KenSyn::machinesWorkers testing a new machine.
- KenSyn::organicMeta-analysis dataset on comparison of organic to conventional crop systems.
- KenSyn::wheat_varNetwork of experiment to evaluate Wheat varieties on one single year.
- KenSyn::wheat_var_itkNetwork of experiment to evaluate Wheat varieties on one single year with different cropping systems.
- KenSyn::wheat_var_soilNetwork of experiment to evaluate Wheat varieties on two contrasted soils.
- KenSyn::wheat_var_yearsNetwork of experiment to evaluate Wheat varieties on several years (2005-2010).
- KenSyn::wheatyieldWheat Yield at a regional scale (fake data).
- ZeBook::BeanBean gene-based models dataset
- ZeBook::Sunflower_PhomopsisPhomopsis stem canker observations for Sunflower
- ZeBook::WheatYieldGreeceNational Wheat Yield evolution for Greece from FAO
- ZeBook::Wheat_GPCGrain Protein Contents in Wheat Grains
- ZeBook::carcass_dataData of growth of beef cattle for Carcass model
- ZeBook::chicks_dataData of growth of chicks
- ZeBook::maize.data_EuropeEUmaize biomass and leaf area data
- ZeBook::maize.data_MetaModellingdataset of simulation for maize final biomass
- ZeBook::seedweight.dataWheat grain weight measurements after anthesis
- ZeBook::watbal.simobsdataSoil water content measurements and associated simulations with WaterBalance model
- ZeBook::weather_EuropeEUWeather serie for Europe EU from NASA POWER agroclimatology
- ZeBook::weather_FranceWestWeather series for western France from NASA POWER agroclimatology
- ZeBook::weather_GNSWeather series for Gainesville (FL, USA) years 1982 and 1983
- ZeBook::weather_SouthAsiaWeather series for southern Asia from NASA POWER agroclimatology